And there we have it, folks. Stick around over the weekend for the sexy funtime you’ve come to expect. Have a great weekend, everyone, and as always, thank you for your continued support of BME.
The above tattoo is of a “pen,” which is an ancient writing utensil that was used millions of years ago, until the Internet was invented, which everyone pretty much loved right away, forever, the end.
OR DID THEY? America’s longest-running game show, BME’s Big Question, returns for its first edition of 2009 with our esteemed panel discussing the Internet: The positive and negative effects it’s had on the body modification industry, what life was like before it was around, and more. Big thanks to all involved!
Welcome to BME’s Big Question! In this feature, we’re going to ask a handful of the community’s best and brightest piercers, tattooists, heavy mod practitioners and shop owners for their opinion on one question or issue that’s affecting the body modification community. Many, many thanks to all of the contributors.
If you’d like to be a part of future editions, or if you have an idea for an issue or question you’d like to see addressed, please e-mail me.
This week’s topic:
The Internet has obviously changed the body modification industry dramatically: The amount of information and discussion about it can be staggering, and more people are engaging in it than ever before. Some see this as a positive thing, while others may have misgivings about such an increased amount of attention, and perhaps a watering-down of the talent and art involved.
If you were working prior to body modification’s rise on the Internet, how did you adapt to its emergence? If you came around afterward, how large a role did the Internet play when you were becoming established in your field? And for everyone, what are the positives and negatives of having the Internet available, whether as a tool for research, marketing, or communication? Where do you think the industry would be without it?
When I first started piercing, I wasn’t aware of any type of body modification community online. Without that online community, I took everything the person who was teaching me to pierce to be truth. What he said was how it was done, and I had no reason to think otherwise. I later found out about BME and IAM. Through BME, I found that there were many things that we were doing that weren’t really the best way to do things. Talking to other piercers online made me a better piercer, helped me improve myself and the studio I was working in.
Now there is so much information out there and so many great piercers, and body jewelry manufacturers online (just on this site alone) that it really irritates me when I see someone doing things half-assed. When I was starting out, you really had to search for information, now it’s right there ready for you to take, but a lot of the new piercers just aren’t taking it.
I see the availability of information to be a good thing. It’s not a matter of the information, or its availability, having a negative impact … it’s what people do (or don’t do) that is positive or negative.
As John pointed out however, it does make it extra frustrating when you see people doing things that make no sense at all. The information about various options is so readily available, there is really no excuse (other than laziness or just not caring) for doing things grossly below par.
Maybe I’m just being nostalgic and romanticizing things, but I do think there is something to be said for the effort you had to put into finding information before the Internet was around. You had to go out of your way to find books or magazines, you had to actually pick up the phone and call someone or go hang out with them. It required a greater commitment of time and energy from everybody involved.
I think one benefit of the information being less accessible was that it forced people to do more critical thinking about their procedures; especially if it wasn’t a traditional procedure. Instead of hopping on BME or YouTube and seeing pictures/videos of procedures being done, you had to think through the process step-by-step and you had to evaluate what your different options were. You often didn’t have a “right way” to fall back on; you just had the way that made the most sense to you. And that way would likely change as you became more skilled/experienced.
Many younger piercers I deal with these days simply want to know how they are “supposed” to do it. They are often reluctant to consider various options and they just want to know what’s “right and wrong.”
When I started piercing I remember having to scrounge for any information I could get about piercing. I picked up Grey’s Anatomy and dog-eared all the pages on the ear, face, nipple, etc. It was much more of a challenge finding any useable information. The internet has made it so easy for any idiot to watch some other idiot do a horrible piercing on a third idiot. The Internet is great at helping good piercers become better piercers. But I think it’s used more frequently to turn bored people with no career into shitty piercers.
I grew into the Internet really slowly. I used to have this research folder full of any old article I could come across in print or online. I had to track down bits and pieces over months and years. By the time the Internet really started to trickle out the professional-level information I was already fairly established so I really just used it to learn other people’s little tricks of the trade. I’m glad that I had to work for it in the real world instead of just pulling all the info down off the Web.
I think my professional opinion is that I dislike almost everything about the Internet’s marriage to this industry, minus the publicity aspect, but at least it’s evolution. It started off as a community of professionals sharing information with people they felt comfortable with. There’s no barrier of good judgment or apprehension anymore, it’s all just public domain. I liked it more when people kept secrets and you had to work for it.
Oh man … I know what you’re talking about. The first day of my apprenticeship I was handed folders, and binders, full of random information. I was given an old Gauntlet seminar hand book, interviews with Keith Alexander, Fakir, Jon Cobb, the Modern Primitives Book, all kinds of things.
And when I started apprenticing Shelly, I did the same thing. I gave her all kinds of information and said, “Read all of this and then find your own.” I think it’s important for people coming into this industry to do their own research and not just look to a forum and say, “Hey, how do you do this?” without doing any of their own digging first. We’re always learning and always changing our techniques, so if we can get our apprentices to do their own research right from the start it will keep them being proactive throughout their careers.
I started my own notebook of everything the guy teaching me said. A lot of that helped give me a point of reference as I continued to learn. When I was just cutting my teeth, Ask.BME was something I read often.
I still feel I’m many levels below everyone else on this panel. Hell, I read the writings of more than a couple of you years back. I think I found my way onto BME just after I began my apprenticeship and it’s been an invaluable communication and education tool ever since.
In terms of a glut of availabile information, I certainly echo the displeasure of being able to watch kids sticking each other with needles on the school yard. Not that I think experimentation in youth is a bad thing, I’m sure we’ve all been there. But seeing something on a video through the Internet often lends an air of credibility to the experimentation, allowing others to follow in line.
I remember one afternoon, less than six months of learning in, one of the regulars from the shop brought in a stack of old PFIQs — I thought I had hit the jackpot. Now, being able to pull up any amount of varied articles at any time, it’s certainly easier, but the thrill of the hunt has diminished …
When I first started my “apprenticeship,” I was given the “Pierce With a Pro” VHS tapes, the “Hole Story” VHS tapes, a pile of old PFIQ magazines, and was told to read and watch.
There was no easily accessible info to be found online really at that point, as BME was still in its earliest stages. I have to agree totally with the above statement,
“Maybe I’m just being nostalgic and romanticizing things, but I do think there is something to be said for the effort you had to put into finding information before the Internet was around.” You had to work to find the info you needed. Anatomy books, medical journals, actually reaching out to other piercers by *gasp* going to their studios, and hands-on trial-and-error were all par for the course, and I think that is why the older set of piercers are better at what we do. We worked for it, same as any job. Chances are, you will never really excel at something if you are just handed it on a silver platter, which is how I see apprentices nowadays.
While I DO think that there is some GREAT info available online, and I see the Internet as a great resource for piercers and other mod artists, I also feel that it contributes to the the over-saturation of idiots in our industry. Perfect case in point:
Me to a client: How did you end up with such a horrible piercing?
Client to me: Well, my friend and I watched this video on how to pierce your own *fill in the blank* on YouTube…
And yes, while these YouTube-trained home piercers are not technically a part of our industry, they are putting out piercings. They are perpetuating the idea that piercing is ugly, full of risk, and a delinquent behavior. The videos are also, for the most part, scary to watch, and I get a ton of clients now that are more terrified than ever after watching them!
I just feel that, like anything, the Internet as a tool for us is both positive and negative. It has its high points. I mean, how else could projects like this be possible? But it has its low points. There is a greater amount of information available to those seeking it, which can be wonderful when that information is put into the right hands, but really, how often have we all cringed when we’ve seen the results of that put into the WRONG hands?
In 1979, my father purchased a dual floppy, wooden cased, DOS-based computer called the NorthStar Horizon. With no hard drive, a giant dot matrix printer and a tiny monochrome screen, this magical machine could run the tax software for his CPA firm, making the tedious task of written double-entry book-keeping obsolete. Although the device is now just gathering dust in my garage, at the time it was a tool that allowed his business to grow dramatically without needing to hire more accountants.
Jumping forward a few years … I started piercing in 1992, the World Wide Web didn’t exist and the only comprehensive online resource was the rec.arts.bodyart newsgroup. Yes, there were plenty of photos changing hands in those days, but the random body modification you might see was simply the byproduct of downloading porn. Yes, porn was passed around before the WWW. Crazy, huh? Sites like BME and SPC didn’t exist and the body modification community was inspired by images in printed materials, most notably Modern Primitives, of which many careers including mine got their start.
Back in those days I know the desire for body modification existed, but without the Internet to expose the masses, it remained an obscure art form. It was the practitioners that appeared in the late ‘80s and early ‘90s that were the first generation to really cut their teeth simultaneously as the Internet began its influence. Some embraced the new technology and their careers grew and thrived. Others tried and ultimately floundered in the wake of the World Wide Web’s massive and sudden overexposure. Then a third group of modders either missed the boat altogether or purposely avoided the Internet, and who can blame them? For every positive thing posted there seems to be numerous negative and often hateful responses, especially in those days.
Remember the days of film cameras and scanners? Back then people had to take pictures, have them developed and scan them before they could ever be uploaded to the web. It was a time when Paul King was the MTV poster boy for navel piercings, and practitioners were changing from simple craftsmen to rock stars almost overnight. Tattooers may have earned that stature before the rest of us, but the Internet definitely played a key role in helping everyone working in the body modification industry to reach a new level of fame.
Back then if you put a ring in your friend’s penis using a safety pin, you might have been viewed as a hack, but take a picture and put in on the web and you were a pioneer and an innovator, and it didn’t stop there. One ring in a penis? How about two? Three? Heck, why not cut it in half? Half, shit, cut it off!
Now before the age-old debate of how far is too far begins, I will step back and say this: People are going to do what they want. Do photos on the Internet shape the viewer? To an extent, sure. Do these same images inspire people to reach for the next level? Yes, of course, but don’t blame the Web for people’s stupidity and poor choices. It’s like blaming rock music for murder. Giving someone an idea is far different than forcing their hand.
The Internet is a tool, nothing more. A very complex, multifaceted and often entertaining tool … but still just a tool, one that the body modification community uses more effectively than any other hands-on trade. Maybe it’s the fact that our industry blurs the line between craft and entertainment. In a sense we hit the reality crazy before the TV ever did. Want see the strange and bizarre? You can program your TiVo to find the shows or you can just turn on your computer.
So here we are, the subject of constant controversy from both inside and outside our ranks. The male ear piercings we found so shocking the ‘70s hardly raise an eyebrow anymore. Will two-inch lobes and facial tattoos be viewed the same way in 30 years? Who can say? There’s no doubt the Internet has helped body modification to thrive. Would television, film and print media have had the same effect? Probably not, but our growth may have been more controlled. Research would have trickled down slower. International communication would have been difficult at best. Marketing and exposure? Really I have no clue.
If there is nothing else I’ve learned over the years it’s that technology is ever changing. No matter what the field, all industries must learn to adapt and use what is available to the fullest if they hope to survive.
The first shop I worked in used to play the “Pierce with a Pro” VHS tapes in the waiting area. I hated it, but the boss thought it would be good for clients to see what they would be going through beforehand. We used to get this kid who would come in just to watch these videos. Then, guess what? About three months later that kid was piercing at a studio down the street. That was all the research he did. He continued to be a hack for a few years after, before disappearing.
And I agree with Allen that you can’t “blame the web for people’s stupidity and poor choices.” Remember when that picture of the stretched-up Achilles heel piercing was on ModBlog? I thought that was fantastic. It’s amazing to me what the human body is capable of and that there weren’t serious complications from that. I loved that it was on ModBlog because otherwise I would have never gotten to see it. Does that mean I’m going to offer Achilles piercings? No fucking way!!! People need to have some common sense, and take responsibility for themselves.
With the lack of hands on research and initiative, people also seem to be losing professional morals and ethics.
You know what’s funny? We were all hacks once, especially the old timers. My training came from a one day course by Fakir. This was before his school, and I was his second student after Erik Dakota.
So in a sense I was one of those hacks that knew very little and just set up shop. In a way I’m kind of glad I did it that way. Because I didn’t have any formal training, I had to work twice as hard to both learn and prove myself.
Right, but you worked hard to learn and improve. People seem to be losing that motivation. Almost 12 years later, I’m still working hard and improving. There are all these piercers now that think they have it all figured out, they are masters of their craft. I just don’t understand that mentality.
With the Super Bowl just around the corner, it’s the season for poorly conceived bets and all manner of bribery in exchange for tickets! What fun, right? And really, what better way to prove one’s devotion to a football (that is “soccer,” to Europeans, or something) team than getting a tattoo of, wait, a radio station logo? Hey, whatever works. Fredy Gutierrez, a fellow Arizona Cardinals fan, desperately wanted to go to the big game but could not afford the estimated million-dollar ticket price, but luckily, Phoenix-area radio station 620 KTAR was having a sadistic contest in which some poor sap need only tattoo their ass with the station’s call letters to receive two of these golden tickets. Mission accomplished! Photographic evidence above.
Gutierrez is taking his nine-year-old son, Marcus, to Sunday’s game.
“The only thing I can say is that I hope that my son enjoys it,” Gutierrez said about the game.
Marcus said he is looking forward to going to the game, and will likely have memories from the experience that will last a lifetime – just like his father will.
What does Gutierrez’s wife think about the new tattoo?
“She thinks I’m pretty crazy,” Gutierrez said.
Ha ha, crazy indeed. At least he got something out of it, though — consider the curious case of Deadspin editor A.J Daulerio, a Philadelphia Eagles fan who made a bet with former Deadspin editor and Arizona Cardinals fan, Will Leitch, when those two teams played each other in last week’s conference championship. Among the items Daulerio put on the line in the event of an Eagles loss (others included treating Leitch to a sushi dinner and letting the former editor smash him in the face with a cookie sheet, on video) was getting a tattoo of a buzzsaw — a reference to a depressing nickname for the Cardinals — on his ass. He was very excited about the prospect!
Let it be known: I currently have no tattoos on any part of my body, have never had any desire to get one, nor would I even take this bet unless I was 100 percent convinced there would be no possibility of me losing. So there. Shock me, Buzzsaw.
But because God hates a boaster, and patchy facial hair, the Cardinals were indeed triumphant over the Eagles! Daulerio took it rather well:
If anyone knows any tattoo artists who are willing to put a buzzsaw on me, well, let me know. This fucking sucks.
And indeed, last night, the soon-to-be-tattooed design was unveiled:
Hey, that’s pretty tasteful! Meanwhile, Daulerio has quietly accepted his fate.
I’m meeting a prospective artist over at DareDevil Tattoo in the Lower East Side in a few minutes to find out just how long, painful, and ridiculous-looking this image would be. Many people have tried to talk me out of following through with my end of the Mayor’s Bet (including the Emeritus himself), but, personally, I feel like not following through with it would be even more lame than actually having a buzzsaw tattoo forever.
Well, Daulerio is nothing if not a man of his word. This afternoon, he did indeed make the journey to Dare Devil Tattoo, and displayed the stoicism one hopes for in a “blogger,” as it were.
I was under the impression that tattoos, even the most pedestrian ones in the shape of power tools, would take a long period of time. Thankfully, Michelle from Dare Devil Tattoo is well-honed in her craft. It only took about 20 minutes, was relatively painless, and no blood was spilled. But now I’m forever scarred and, also, forever an unintentional lifelong supporter of The Buzzsaw That Is The Arizona Cardinals. Or woodworking.
Hey, it could be worse! You could be getting hit in the face with a cookie she— oh, right. Well, all’s well that ends well, or something. Did Daulerio at least learn a lesson from this sordid tale of intrigue?
I will never, ever bet on the Philadelphia Eagles again.
Unrelated to the above photo, Clara recently wrote in about a project she’s putting together for school, which sounds like it could be pretty great, but she needs help from YOU. Yes, YOU. Take it away, Clara!
Dear BME members,
I am a student in Hong Kong working on a video documentary about the health, safety and ethical issues of tattoos and piercings.
As this is a project on body modification, I would like the members of BME to help me by sending me pictures or videos of the following. Basically, if you have any of these photos/videos in pretty decent quality for a DVD, hanging around in your hard-drive…
Tattoo problems
– Scarred up DIY tattoos.
– Faded DIY tattoos.
– Tattoos with blowouts. Example.
– Name tattoos with the outline of another tattoo waiting to be filled in. Example.
– Tattoos after laser removal. Example.
Problem piercings
– Rejecting piercings. Navel, eyebrow, surface…etc.
– Badly done piercings. You know when a client comes in complaining about a piercing done down the road in that shady store? Example 1, 2.
Piercing gun horrors
– Hugely swollen up, infected, or embedded gunned piercings. The grosser the better. Example 1, 2, 4, 5, 5, 6.
Well healed tattoos/piercings
– Tattoos/piercings that have been done correctly to help my audience distinguish the difference between a poorly and a well done piercing/tattoo. Ear (all kinds), navels, eyebrows, tongues, labrets, surface…etc. Tattooists/piercers, this is your time to shine! Send me your portfolio!
– Your studio’s jewelry display.
– Anatometal surface bars.
– BCRs, Curved barbells, Straight barbells.
– Internal & external threading jewelry, placed side by side for a comparison.
– Substandard jewelry. Example 1, 2, 3.
– Your studio’s layout (reception, sterilising room, piercing/tattoo room.)
– Your studio’s logo.
– Clamps
– Needles (sharps and cannulas.)
– Tattoo machines.
Sterilisation and disinfection
– Autoclaves.
– Ultrasonic cleaners.
– Bagged up tools.
– If there are any 3D animators on BME with too much time on their hands, helping me create animations in HD quality will be very, very much appreciated.
I will need a few of these, showing the insertation and removal of BCRs, Curved/straight barbells (internal & external threading), and the mechanisms of an ear piercing stud. Anyone who would like to help me, please contact me at [email protected]
– Videos of anything piercing/tattooing related. Must be in DVD quality or higher though. Anyone who would like to help me, please contact me at [email protected] to make arrangements.
My final video will be in standard DVD quality, where the resolution will be 720 x 576. To allow me some “space” to zoom in/out, or pan sideways without affecting the resolution, I would appreciate it if you can send in your pictures/videos in as high a resolution as possible.
Please email them to [email protected] Or, if the file(s) are too large, you can compress them into .rar or .zip, and upload them to
Please only send photos/vids that you own (you should be in the photo/vid, or you must have taken the photo/vid yourself.) Please send them to me with your full name and your city of residence. Your name and city of residence will be used in the credits, whilst your email will be kept confidential. By emailing me picture(s) and/or video(s), you are agreeing to let me use your videos/pictures in my school project, and I have the right to edit or make changes to them as I deem suitable.
Please note, I will not use genital or nipple (male AND female) photos/videos as this is a school project.
Thank you BME. I hope that this is something the whole BME community can be involved in.
You know what? It’s been a long week. I just want to go home, turn on the radio, and do some work around the house. First thing, I’ve gotta fix this broken light.
So many loose screws! Glad I’ve got my lucky screwdriver, I tell you.
And now, just have to water some plants, and then it’s time for bed. I’ve earned this.
(Photos of the incomparable Kokomi. Much, much more in his BME Hard gallery.)
Whew! Wild week, there, folks. Some memorable moments:
I recently had the chance to speak with Sean Dowdell, the co-owner, alongside Chester Bennington from Linkin Park, of Club Tattoo, which has been a staple of Arizona body modification for nearly 15 years now. Since then, Dowdell has opened three more stores in Arizona, and is just over a month away from opening a massive 3,300-square-foot shop inside the Planet Hollywood casino in Las Vegas. Sean’s about as talented and motivated as they come, and has been around long enough to speak with some authority about the industry.
So here is a rather ingenious recession-era idea, since all of the food, everywhere, will soon be looted by roving packs of the unemployed (read: everyone), our friend shahafpoint has drafted this prototype candy that also grows nutritious herbs and spices! As dark as the days may get, at least we will be able to dry our tears with oregano leaves.
Wait, no, shahafpoint got this piece in tribute to his grandmother and her Tic Tac addiction. That’s much sweeter.
(Tattoo by Avi Nassi at Psycho in Tel Aviv, Israel.)
And just like that, Friday night is flashing us, signaling it’s time to go. What happened this week, anyway?
And there we have it. A post or two over the weekend, and then we put on our game-face and get back to it, Monday morning. Stay tuned next week for a fun article on a piercer who has been around forever, more or less, and who had a pretty full year that’s only getting busier. Until then, stay safe, and thank you for your continued support of BME. Have a great weekend.
[Esquire] I like Clint Eastwood. He’s starred in some of truly excellent movies, and has directed some legitimate classics. With that said, he is a crotchety old man who pines for a culture that no longer exists and as such he sometimes says things that make him sound totally out of touch. Take, for example, this recent Esquire interview:
Kids piercing themselves, piercing their tongues — what kind of masochism is that? Is it to show you can just take it?
We live in more of a pussy generation now, where everybody’s become used to saying, “Well, how do we handle it psychologically?” In those days, you just punched the bully back and duked it out. Even if the guy was older and could push you around, at least you were respected for fighting back, and you’d be left alone from then on.
And back in my day, you could give a kid a stick and a tire and an old car battery, and he’d have a grand old time! I prefer FilmDrunk‘s take on the situation, imagining this same interview occurring 50 years from now:
“Lemme tell you something, you kids, you’re all a bunch a goddamned sissies. Back in my day, a bully pushed you around, ya dint go to no psychologist. Ya just dyed your hair black, started wearin’ a trenchcoat, maybe got a couple a piercings. Then one day, you showed up with a couple a pipe bombs, and daddy’s Tec-9, and you shot the bully, plus a bunch a other kids, maybe a couple teachers, just for shits and giggles. Then you put the gun in your mouth, make sure the cops couldn’t take you alive, and leave ‘em a note written entirely in Marilyn Manson lyrics. Those were the days.”
[Australian News] Get ready, Australian body piercers, because there are some serious new regulations to follow.
Under new Victorian laws, minors will be barred from getting their nipples and genitals pierced and kids under 16 will need parental consent for any other body piercing.
The laws will come in effect from January 1, which will see piercers fined with 6600 dollars if they give a person aged under 18 an intimate body piercing.
Those who give minors a tattoo or perform scarification, tongue splitting, branding or beading on someone aged under 18 will be slapped with the same penalty.
And piercers will have to pay 2200-dollar fine if they give kids under 16 a non-intimate body piercing without parental consent.
Piercers and modification artists can, however, escape these charges if they can compellingly prove that the teens in question were using fake IDs, such as driver’s licenses, or were wearing clothing that made it seem like they were “asking for it.”
[IBN Live] So, a film named Ghajini was recently released in India, in which the lead character is trying to avenge the death of his wife, but is suffering from a sort of amnesia, and as such, tattoos his body with reminders and clues so he knows who to kill. (It is by all accounts a Bollywood remake of Memento.) Anyway, one of these tattoos was a phone number that unluckily belongs to a Bangalore resident, Sarah Varghese, who is none too pleased!
It was Sarah’s number that was tattooed on Aamir’s body which splashed on all posters across the city. Needless to say Sarah is as irritated with Ghajini as Aamir is in the movie.
“I thought somebody was playing a prank but when I saw the poster I was really shocked. I was wondering how could my number feature in that and I was really shocked,” said Sarah.
So as Ghajini hit the screens on the December 25 and as Aamir bashed up all the baddies he could get in the movie, life for Sarah became even more difficult.
Her phone kept ringing continuously sometimes to even 50 times a day. Sarah — who usually doesn’t watch movies on the big screen — decided that enough is enough and went and watched the movie on New Year’s eve.
When asked if she is planning to lodge a complaint against the producers of the movie, Sarah said,”We’ll see as things come and how far it goes. The calls are now reducing, so if it stops completely now, I will not file a complaint”.
Jesus Christ. Who did these people imagine was going to answer when they called that number? Did they think they were going to help solve the mystery? Yet another example of how tattoos, every day, are ruining the lives of innocents.
[News Journal Online] And not just innocents, but convicts, too! Lempira Norman, who was incarcerated at the Volusia Country Branch Jail near Daytona, Florida, was jumped by two other inmates after refusing to join what the article calls a “club” (which is prison lingo for “rape gang”), who held him down and tattooed a penis on him, on Christmas.
Harris and Collina showed up with a blanket and ordered Norman to get on the floor, the report shows. They threw the blanket on his head and began pummeling him.
The men threatened Norman, saying he would get a worse beating unless he allowed them to apply a tattoo, the report shows. Harris told Norman the tattoo would be of a capital and lowercase B, the report said.
But instead, as Collina held Norman down, Harris — equipped with a makeshift tattoo kit — applied a drawing of a penis on the back of the victim’s right shoulder, the report shows.
I spent the holidays alone in my apartment drinking barley wine that tasted like alcoholic soy sauce, but I have to say, this guy probably had the worst Christmas I’ve heard of this season.
[YouTube] At lastly, let’s come full circle with another old man talking about piercings. Except George Carlin is funnier than Clint Eastwood, and this was 20 years ago (so George wasn’t so old), and this video is full of hilarious cursing. Tally ho, ModBlog.
It’s that time of year again, folks. We’ve tallied the votes, and the top image and experience contributors (along with all of our staff and guest authors) for the past year are in the books! BME is a community effort, and it’s impossible to state the importance of the contributions that all of you make.