In the Forests of the Night

Hey, it’s actually been a little while since we’ve posted anything from the mad geniuses at Swastika Freakshop! The last we had Nadine on ModBlog, it was to show off her gorgeous done-by-Freakshop wings. This time around? Her stunning symmetrical sleeves, naturally done by Marc at the aforementioned Swastika Freakshop. This lady is sporting some of the nicest goddamn tattoos around.

This Week in BME

Says tattoo artist Anji, “We’re going to be doing a ‘speaking bubble’ on the other wrist at some point.” Cute! In the meantime, what could Lora be thinking about? Hmm …

(Tattoo done by Anji Marth at High Priestess in Eugene, Oregon.)

And so the week has come to a close. What sorts of hilarious hi-jinx did we get up to this time?

  • BME was at the APTPI conference in Milan! Here is an account of those few days by Adam from
  • Everyone pretty much seemed to love these black boxes on a handsome young gent.
  • Marc from Swastika Freakshop’s deal with the devil continues to pay dividends, because this Ktulu piece is looking unreal.
  • One-hook resurrection suspension! Sweet sassy molassy.
  • Naked people? Check. Vegetables? Check. Penetration? Surprisingly little.
  • And here’s a fancy new BME News application for Facebook! Get it!
  • This baby killed a Smurf. But you can take her word for it, the Smurf had it comin’. When that Smurf’s kid grows up, if it still feels raw about it, she’ll be waiting.
  • Big weekend ahead for sports fans: The Georges St.-Pierre–B.J. Penn rematch at UFC 94 on Saturday night should be one for the ages, and then Sunday night, of course, is the Super Bowl. (Go Buzzsaw!) Whatever you do, stay safe. We’ll be checking in throughout the weekend as per usual, and then come Monday, do it all over again. Have a great weekend, everyone, and, as always, thank you for your continued support of BME.

    The Lost Files

    You know what? Fine. Marc may be an incredibly talented tattooer, and his design ideas may be among the most inventive in the industry, and he may be one of the most instantly recognizable artists out there. But you know what he can’t win? A race around the world! And … go!

    [falls down open sewer]

    God damn it.

    (Tattoo by Marc at Swastika Freakshop in Radolfzell, Germany.)

    See more in Hand Tattoos (Tattoos)

    Concrete Warfare

    Huh. You know, I usually just use a rolled-up newspaper or a wet towel when I want to swat at an angel, but hey, to each his own.

    (This excellent piece is, of course, by Marc from Swastika Freakshop in Radolfzell, Germany. Is there a more distinctive tattoo artist working right now than him?)

    See more in Sports Tattoos (Tattoos)

    ‘Ello, Beastie

    Hey everybody, it’s the Christmas Kraken, popping in to offer some holiday advice! Take it away!

    “Hi, folks — Christmas Kraken here. It’s the holiday season, and with all sorts of parties and get-togethers going on, it’s best that people be careful out there. If you’re drinking, please don’t drive, and if you’re driving, please make the change to Goodyear Snow Tires. Also, if you’re planning on attacking a ship and dragging every soul on board down to a watery grave, I’d recommend hitting the sails first. Holes in the body of a ship can take a while to fill with water, but nothing ruins a mariner’s day like getting his sails torn off.”

    Thanks, Christmas Kraken! Merry Christmas!

    (Tattoo by Marc at Swastika-Freakshop in Radolfzell, Germany.)

    See more in Miscellaneous Tattoos (Tattoos)

    Great, a Building With Athlete’s Foot

    It’s almost impossible to post work coming out the Swastika Freakshop without some readers getting up in arms about their use of swastika iconography, an argument that typically devolves into one side claiming that the symbol is offensive and should be abolished, with the other naming historical precedents of the swastika being used as a sign of peace, and that this current usage is indeed a means of reclaiming a valuable piece of history from the tyranny of the Nazis.

    Truthfully, both sides have valid points. To some, regardless of the swastika’s pre-WWII history, it has been forever tarnished by its abuse at the hands of the Nazis, and it may be unrealistic to expect people to study and accept an image that, to them, has only ever symbolized a very particular and ugly moment in human history. At the same time, reclamation of the swastika is a valid and noble project, and one that, should it be successful, would have only positive results. Sometimes, though, it seems that some on the reclamation side are maybe not as patient as they should be with those people who oppose the swastika’s use, which is understandable to an extent; when one spends so much time working toward a specific goal, to have one’s work disparaged just by dint of its existence can be extremely demoralizing. But patience, in this instance, may be the difference between educating someone and turning them off for good.

    We’re not going to reach any verdicts here today, but if there’s one thing we can all agree on, I think it’s that Marc’s Super Mario-themed tattoo on Rauschkind fucking rules. Two more shots, after the jump.

    Full Coverage: Links From All Over (Oct. 17, 2008)


    [Union Leader] The last time we checked in with Meghan McCain, the spunky daughter of the Republican presidential nominee, she was overheard mentioning that she wanted a new tattoo, but that she would wait until her father’s campaign for president was over. Thoughtful! But now the truth comes out — she’s waiting until after the election because she has issued an ultimatum to YOU, the voter!

    If Sen. John McCain wins the presidency in a little more than three weeks, his daughter said she’ll tattoo “Live Free or Die” somewhere on her body.

    Of course, he would have to win in New Hampshire, too, said Meghan McCain, who was in Nashua yesterday thanking volunteers at the McCain-Palin campaign office.

    The tattoo, which would probably go on her wrist, would be her way of commemorating her father’s run for the presidency, she said. It was in New Hampshire that McCain revived his faltering presidential bid during the presidential primary in January.

    “New Hampshire is so important to me and my family,” she said.

    Earlier, McCain told a supporter that she would be “extremely depressed” if her dad loses in New Hampshire.

    Sold. It’s up to you now, heroes: If you don’t vote McCain (especially you New Hampshire pinkos), you may as well say that you hate tattoos and that you don’t think anyone (ESPECIALLY FREE-SPIRITED YOUNG WOMEN, YOU SEXISTS) should suffer the indignity of getting one. The choice is yours.

    [Macy Survey Site] Are you a man? Do you have a genital piercing? Do you love surveys? Well hot holy damn, are you ever in luck. Elayne Angel sends in this online survey being conducted by body art researcher Myrna Armstrong: Armstrong has been publishing body modification-related articles in medical journals for a few years now and, says Elayne: “I believe she’s more interested in the information than in making judgments.”

    [Chicago Sun Times] Ha ha, now this is a clever scam. North Sider Marcos Paiz posted a Craigslist ad offering Chicago-area tattoo artists a once in a lifetime deal: To tattoo him — get this — for free! Wait, wait, if you’re still reading this and haven’t rushed out the door to find this brave human canvas, here are the details:

    “Essentially, I would really love to have my whole torso covered in tattoos,” said Paiz, a 29-year-old flight attendant from Lake View. “I think it would be good to have free art work.”

    […] He’s thinking some “greenery and flowers” down his back would be nice. But he’s open to an artist’s ideas — as long as they don’t include swastikas, Satanic symbols or “something totally crazy.”

    And free would be nice, he figures.

    The article then quotes Nick Colella, the owner of Chicago Tattoo Company, who gives some claptrap about this being a “disturbing trend fueling the rise of in-home and back-alley tattoo operations” and that the people who think this sort of thing is acceptable probably don’t know the first thing about sterilization or blood-borne pathogens and that you should “pay” for “high-quality work,” but get real. Paiz is a visionary, and God knows he’s got some valuable lessons to pass on. So with this in mind, I’m just throwing it out there, but if there are any chefs who would like to cook me a gourmet meal in exchange for the satisfaction of knowing you have bettered yourself and improved your craft, please e-mail me as soon as possible. It’s almost dinner time.