The Connoisseur’s Connoisseur

Continuing our wholly half-assed St. Patrick’s Day theme, how about this handsome young Russian gent wearing green, right? No doubt it was intentional, and not something I’m co-opting for my own lame purposes! Really though, I’m almost always a fan of Teflon (or other such white jewelry) in big stretched piercings, and ol’ blue eyes up there is certainly no exception.

(18 mm labret and 6 mm nostrils by Dosia in Moscow, Russia.)

See more in Scalpelled and other large gauge lip procedures (Lip Piercing)

Fist Full Of Metal!

I was going to intro this video but due to its awesome magnitude, it needs no introduction. Plus I’m already in the video so why bother writing when I don’t have to!

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DivX download link for BME members: Extreme2 or Full members

Brought to you by Canvas Los Angeles & Joe Capobianco.

Jump to the Left, Turn to the Right

Even if our friend a post below can go either way on St. Patrick’s Day, the sentient alien ooze that’s covered and commandeered the body and soul of this gentleman? Loves to party. Loves it. Ever seen bio-mechanical ooze do a kegstand? Get ready. Gonna be epic.

(This excellent biomech suit is by David Wiper at Modern Savage in Wakefield, West Yorkshire, UK.)

See more in Biomechanical Tattoos (Tattoos)

And I Go in Fear

I’ll confess that I did not recognize this hideous mutant as the “MSI pony,” but was instead attracted to it due to (1) the fact that its coloring is fairly unconventional but quite well executed, and (2) my inexplicable fascination with artistic representations of nightmarish animal hybrids and disfigurements (etc., etc.). And hey, I think this unicorn/fawn/octopus mash-up fits in nicely. For the record, when it comes to my favorite tattoo genres: food and monstrous animal concoctions. Hey now.

(Tattoo by James Clouser at Lucky 13 Tattoos & Piercings in Kutztown, Pennsylvania.)

See more in Cartoon Tattoos (Tattoos)

“I’m Full of Tricks”

Hey, it’s our old friend Pauly! Been a while since we’ve seen him around these parts, and apparently, he has some sort of fleshy alien creature living on his face, devouring his life force. The harder he tries to pull it off, the larger it grows. These parasitic space monsters have no class whatsoever.

(Sorry for the late start today—again. It’s been a bad week for technology at the Ginsberg residence. I’ll not make a habit of this tomfoolery.)

See more in Scalpelled and other large gauge lip procedures (Lip Piercing)