Lock It Up

Good morning, ModBlog! Let’s start today backwards: Here we have a young man who got his 18 mm. lip piercing closed and stitched up by Brooklyn’s number one son, xPUREx. It’s not uncommon to find reactions to procedures like this … not negative, necessarily, but certainly sad: people tend to be disappointed when a person has his or her stretched ears/lip/whatever restored to their original state. Understandable, to be sure, but I have to say, I’m always rather impressed that these stretched piercings that so many of us grew up believing to be relatively “permanent” are increasingly reversible. This isn’t to say that such procedures should be taken lightly, of course, but the ingenuity is pretty remarkable nonetheless.

See more in Scalpelled and other large gauge lip procedures (Lip Piercing)

Nice Shooting, Son

I definitely feel like I’m missing the reference here, so until someone enlightens me as to who or what the subject of this stellar piece by Dustin Poole from Sacred Balance actually is, I’m just going to believe it to be the cyber-sexy offspring of Silver Surfer and lovable droid C3PO. Prove me wrong, ModBlog! Prove me wrong.

See more in Sci-Fi Tattoos (Tattoos)

The Cloud Fleets

So, when we received this photo, I just assumed it was some kind of “white trash” tattoo, whether prideful or ironic or whatever. Then I checked the image’s information and, in addition to seeing it was submitted by the excellent Johnny Stiletto at Baltimore Street in Hanover, Pennsylvania, there was a line about “Internet superstar Brian Peppers” and orders to “Google it, mo-fo!” Mercifully, I had never heard of Brian Peppers, but I figured, Hey, what’s the harm in keeping abreast of an Internet meme?

In conclusion, I hate the Internet.

The Hipbones That Launched a Thousand Ships

And here we have Neek, hands tied behind his head and about to be cast off Mt. Olympus by the gods, for the grave transgression of, um, washboard abs, mostly. Hera wanted to keep him around because she so fancied the fine stippling work being done by Alice Newstead in his armpits, but was sadly outvoted. After the jump, startling video of his earthly punishment, which involves hanging by hooks in his forearms, for eternity. Terrible.

A Keen City in the Sky

Oh hey, it’s Vomit, and she’s got, hmm, something in her labret piercing? A colorful tissue, perhaps? Or some sort of pasta? Oh wait, is it boners? Please don’t drinks boners! Well, what is it?

Oh. It’s just a balloon. Phew. Neat trick, though! Video evidence is below:

See more in Scalpelled and other large gauge lip procedures (Lip Piercing)

BME Day at Venus by Maria Tash!

We are very happy to present BME day at Venus by Maria Tash on Wednesday, February 11 from 1 p.m. to 8 p.m.! (We’ll stay open later if there is enough interest.) To make an appointment, please contact Venus by Maria Tash.

In order to help start creating videos for the new video section of BME, we’ll be spending the day at Venus by Maria Tash, documenting procedures done the right way and giving away BME swag with every piercing! (Don’t worry if you’re camera-shy, though: We don’t need to show your face.)

Piercing by Meg (IAM: MissMeg)

Venus by Maria Tash
653 Broadway, New York NY 10012
Phone 212 253 0921

Piercing prices (plus the cost of jewelry starting at $10!)
$10 piercings
$35 basic genital
$65 advanced genital

You must mention this post or print out the form above. (Click through for a larger version.) We hope to see you there!