Fleeing the Scene

Oh, hello, and welcome back to Syringe Week here on The ModBlog, your source for the finest in syringe-related photography! Yesterday, we featured Autopsy and his nurse, kindly reviving his ghostly, cadaverous body. Today, such a miraculous turnaround is not required, as our model simply requires a little more color, and her religion forbids the use of lipstick (probably). A fine alternative, indeed!

(Piercings by Nick and Adam Stokes at The Piercing Shop in Las Vegas, Nevada.)

Get a Better Duty

One of our favorite sets of suspension photos that we’ve come across in the past belong to Nacho, who can be seen here, in all his white-striped glory. Well, good news! Nacho is back, as you can see above, just having a mid-air sit-down, possibly as a posture-healthy alternative to you typical office chair? Either way, he’s in the very capable hands of local sensation La Negra, and under the very capable photographic purview of Martin Del Pozo and his friend, Marco. After the jump, Nacho gets his knees cut down, plus video!

The Happiest Day of My Life

For his birthday present this year, Ralph’s parents gave him a choice: he could either get new jewelry for his two-inch lobe piercings, or he could get the expensive, experimental surgery to have the gigantic penis head removed from the top of his skull. After less deliberation than one might expect, Ralph chose the ear jewelry. He stands by his decision. So do we.

See more in Ear Stretching (past 1/2″) (Ear Piercing)

Well, This Doesn’t Seem OSHA-Compliant

So, the last time we featured Autopsy, he was showing off some bike-related scarification, and now, clearly, he is in the hospital, getting all sorts of life-preserving injections from, hmm, Nurse Ratched? It’s probably Nurse Ratched. As well, it’s nice to see the medical profession finally getting wise to the use of hooks over adjustable beds. Form over function, right?

See more in Pulling and Trucking (Ritual)

Be As Two Or Three

Oh hey, it’s our old friend Ferdudurke. This guy, always putting interesting things in his nose! Except instead of tools of death and destruction, as is his wont, this time he’s chosen to stuff his nostrils with a dainty lady’s (?) finger, which is a fine choice. He looks pretty pleased with his decision, no? Granted, he could also just be happy with how great his forehead tattoo still looks, or his fancy triangular ear jewelry, and really, we would not begrudge him either of those things.

See more in Big Nostrils (Nose Piercing)

A Word So Unheard-Of

We admit that, when it comes to various feats of genitalia modification, it can be a bit of a sausage-fest around these parts. The hoary old cliche is that, oftentimes, we lucky gentleman just more surface area with which to work, thereby providing for space with which to be creative and to experiment. This, of course, is not always the case, as demonstrated (this time) by this most impressive labia piercing ladder above, most piercings of which look to be, at the very least, well past the zero-gauge mark. Hey, organic knuckledusters? There’s a new kid in town. After the jump, we see, as the wearer explains, her “labia stretched so much that a new sort of piercing is possible: a ‘hanging Christina.’”

A typical Christina, of course, is a surface piercing that, depending on anatomy, runs from the top of the clitoral hood to somewhere along the pubic mound. The terrain here, obviously, has shifted a bit.

See more in Female Ladder Piercings (Female Genital Piercing) (members only)

Give Few Thy Voice

Good morning, ModBloggers! Hey, it’s 3 O’clock. No, really—that’s 3 O’clock up there, showing off just one of the appearance choices made possible when one has big stretched lobes and large-gauge cartilage piercings with which to play. After the jump? We catch a glimpse of this same lobe in its natural habitat.

It’s Tuesday, dear readers, and we’ve still got a ways to go this week. Let’s watch the miles flying by.

See more in Large Gauge Ear Cartilage (Ear Piercing)

Wherever You Go

And so, continuing today’s impressive streak of highly pleasant young women—a rarity around these parts, we know—here we have Mindi, the pride of Brisbane, sporting, well…a lot of pretty excellent looking work, to be honest, and can count among the contributing artists the eminently talented jOELTRON and Brendan, the latter of whom we’ve noted here a few times lately. This, then? A lovely collision of some of our recent favorites. We love it when a plan comes together.

See more in 3D-Art Implants (Implants) (members only)

Take a Piece

Good day, gentle ModBloggers! Hope the weekend treated you well. Let’s begin this Monday with Lilli and this terrifying chocolate dessert monster. Interestingly enough though, this cupcake is actually regulation-size—Lilli, on the other hand, is only eighteen inches tall. Visit her at HTC Body Piercing and see for yourself!