Welcome back, folks, to America’s most influential literary salon, Guess What?, where your dreams have the room to soar as high as possible. This is actually a two-parter—even after the much anticipated click-through above, it’s entirely possible that the full story of just what exactly is going on may still be a mystery. If that’s the case, then perhaps you’ll fancy some context, after ye olde jump. But don’t cheat if you don’t have to! The first person to guess correctly wins A WHEELBARROW FULL OF PUPPIES!*
*Offer not valid.
There it is! For those of you who guessed, “Excellently healing full-length subincision with a piercing at the base of the split,” you win! Congratulations, you lucky devils.
See more in “Full Subincision“ (Subincision & Genital Splitting) (members only)