In The Red

Sure, he’s got long, dark, flowing locks, and bedroom eyes, and is in tremendous shape, and has a well executed, complex and interesting Ulver-inspired chest tattoo, but, uh … hey, look at that stupid doorknob! You can’t even see all of it! Ha ha, geez, worst picture ever.

(Tattoo by Chris Van R. at Sacred Heart Tattoo in Vancouver, British Columbia.)


We’ve had a few people mention — not complain, just mention — that ModBlog has been a little dude-heavy lately, which I didn’t notice, because I am gender-blind. I don’t see gender. Just the way I live my life. People tell me I’m a man, and I believe them. But for those who feel like the wang-to-boob ratio has been off-kilter lately, here’s a young lady who simply and bravely states, “Sometimes, I like being naked on the Internet.” Which is such a weird coincidence, because we like her being naked on the Internet, too! What are the odds?

Clearer views of her tattoos (and other things) after the jump.

(Tattoos by Joe Boyer, piercings by Pat Edrington at Ink & Dagger Tattoo and Piercing in Louisville, Kentucky.)

We All Scream

Soon after I got my Prince Albert pierced, my girlfriend came up with the idea of drinking a float through it. So after waiting a few months for me to stretch far enough to allow a straw … this happened.

Click through to de-tree, of course.

(Palm tree photo used under “Attribution” provision of Creative Commons. Photo source:

See more in PAs (Prince Alberts) (Male Genital Piercing) (members only)

Diplomacy Died

This heartfelt memorial portrait was conceived to commemorate the life of a friend that was tragically cut short after he was sucked face-first into a black hole, the scene of which is horrifically rendered above, and — oh, wait, the pages were stuck together, this is the right story:

I stuck my face in the photocopier when it was slow at the shop and my buddy got it tattooed.

So … not all that horrific or tragic, actually. Glad to hear it. Photo of the original photocopy, after the jump.

(Tattoo by Rich at Silver Line Tattoo in Ottawa, Ontario.)

BME Shop Spotlight

Oh, hello! Welcome to the inaugural installment of the BME Shop Spotlight, in which we’ll feature candid shots of you lovely people sporting the latest in BME shirts, jewelry, and, well, anything else that found its way out of BME Shop.

Today’s model is evilolive, who can be seen in the award-winning BME Unicorn T-shirt. You know what kinds of T-shirts have unicorns on them? The best kinds.

Thanks, evilolive! And to everyone else, don’t forget to send in your photos of yourselves decked out in BME gear!

P.S. From Rachel

The “final run designs” have been dropped to 5.99 to clear them out for the holidays so I can make room for new stock in the new year. You can get jackets for as low as 29.99 (if it says we don’t have it in stock, try to order it anyway), shorts for 15.99 and even the work shirts for 19.99. Regular tshirts range from 5.99 and up. The shop cache might take a couple minutes to reflect the new pricing on the main pages but the items themselves should be correct. Help me clear these items out!

Anyone ordering 10 shirts or more will get a free keychain.

I’ve also added a lot of supplies, new jewelry as well as a brand new accessory! BMEshop carries more than it ever has and will continue to grow with your support. Please post in the comments if there are things you guys want to see available.

Opened Up His Love So Wide

I swear, when I first saw this cutting by Jonathan Martinez (while doing a guest spot at La Dolores Tattoo in Madrid, Spain), I could not bay leaf I’d never seen one like it before! Right? Because it’s a leaf, and it looks like a bay leaf, an— hey, guys? Guys, where are you all going? Aw, nuts.

See more in Misc. Cuttings (Scarification)

I Got Pretty Close

We’ve featured this particular beefcake before, and I mistakenly identified him as having been carved out of granite by Jesus. This was false, and I apologize for this mischaracterization. In fact, he was installed at the bottom of the sea over 60,000 years ago, by aliens, and occasionally surfaces to assert his dominance over killer whales and giant squid and underwater volcanoes and the like. He is literally standing in the middle of the Pacific Ocean in this picture, on top of a shark that had been alive since the Cretaceous period, which he killed just by looking at it. When asked for comment, he kindly shooed us away, as his mouth was full of Loch Ness Monster meat and he didn’t want to be rude.

See more in Tribal and Blackwork Tattoos (Tattoos)