Third-Wheel Legend

Hey, now here’s a rather simple, discreet cutting design — the sort of thing that’s probably likely to heal lightly and serve, more than anything, as a mostly private source of joy for the wearer. But oh ho ho, what’s this?

Ha ha, hey, it’s like an old school cycling jersey! But, um, with less blood, actually.

(Photos from Ze in Milan, Italy.)

See more in Misc. Cuttings (Scarification)


Good morning, ModBlog! Don’t forget that a balanced breakfast is the best way to start your day. Look at Ol’ Chompers up there — if he doesn’t start every day by devouring an entire, innocent water buffalo, right down its bones and soul, he is just in a rotten mood, at least until lunch, when a nice beet salad usually does the trick.

(Tattoo on Chugchug by Marius Meyer at Invictus Tattoo in Oslo, Norway.)

See more in Wildlife and Nature Tattoos (Tattoos)

Carry Water

See? Accessorizing! Richard here could have gone with titanium or glass in his septum piercing (which he pierced and stretched himself), but he went with a nice wood piece (“20 mm.,” Richard says, “and still not big enough!”) that nicely complements those long locks and mountain-man beard. Well done.

It’s the End of the World

Mark Gibson of Monki Do Studio in Belper, Derbyshire, England, sent in this piece he did on “Tom.” The good news is that it’s well done, if somewhat creepy. The bad news is that PETA has started picketing us for promoting cruelty to animals. The good news is that, to make up for it, we have agreed to pose naked in one of their “provocative” advertisements! Everybody wins!

Update! Astute reader Paraplugs notes that this is in fact a modification of the cover of an album called This Is What The Edge Of Your Seat Was Made For by British deathcore band Bring Me The Horizon. Thanks!

See more in Mark Gibson Tattoo Mini Portfolio (Tattoo Artist Portfolios)

And That’d be a Single-Point Resurrection Suspension

As suspensions become increasingly popular, almost ubiquitous, it’s becoming more difficult to execute a performance involving an act that involves something that has never been seen before. Now, I don’t know if this is the first time a single-point resurrection suspension has been done successfully, but hot holy damn, it is awfully impressive nonetheless. More shots of Damien, after the jump.

(Suspension performance by Hanged Man Team in Melbourne, Australia. Video of the suspension can be found on Hanged Man’s Facebook page, as well as on Piercing Pete’s IAM page.)

See more in The Hanged Man Suspension Team (Suspension Teams and Bonus Galleries)

The War is Over

I know oftentimes it’s the opposite when it comes to tattoos, but I have to be honest: I think it’s probably for the best that he left the nipple out of this one.

(Skin-removal scarification by Pierce&Kuter at Bodyfikation in Talence, France. Photo by

See more in Skin Removal Scarification (Scarification)

New Article Posted! APTPI 2009 Recap

Hey, look at those two smiling chaps! They were just two of the attendees at this year’s APTPI conference. From January 18-20, 2009, Milan, Italy, played host to the Italian Professionals Piercers and Tattooists Association conference, of which BME was a sponsor. Rachel was there, and brought along a friend: Adam from This is Adam’s convention diary. Go read it, right now.

To read Adam’s APTPI 2009 Convention Diary, click here.

[Ed. note: Comments on this post have been disabled. Go gesticulate wildly in the forum attached to the article. Thanks.]