Back Yankers

Clearly, what we have here is Dave Gillstrap learning to waterski (with CJ‘s help), or perhaps Dave showing the Bangkok, Thailand, crowd how to apprehend a suspect with some sort of futuristic (archaic?) law enforcement device, or maybe an example of what every massage will be like in 2024.

Below, the audience gasps in horror as Dave just straight-up rips all of the skin of CJ’s body, revealing an impossibly handsome skeleton, or something.

or it’s just a series of neat photos from the 2008 MBK Tattoo Contest. Either way — good morning, ModBlog! Happy Halloween!

Homina Homina

This man is 12 feet tall, and was carved out of pure granite, by Jesus, under supervision of the Justice League of America, for some reason. About his tattoos, he says, they “started off as just a tribal sun in the middle of my back, and then it grew wings, then went down the left arm, and a few months later down the right arm. Next up will be the left and right thumb and wrapping around the wrists, about four inches up the arm.”

Sigh. If anyone needs me, I’ll be doing three- or nine-thousand sit-ups and eating raw eggs by the handful, shell included. Have a good night, ModBlog, and we’ll see you in the morning.

See more in Tribal and Blackwork Tattoos (Tattoos)

Sticks and Stones and Such

… wait, what? I just got here. I haven’t even had a coffee yet. Why you gotta hate?

Now, now — I appreciate the support, Sylvester, but maybe watch the potty-mouth.

Oh, right. Mornin’, Modblog!

(“STFU NOOB” is on IAM: h3110xk177y by Mitch at In The Flesh in Austin, TX. Swearin’ Sylvester is by Fred “Big Red” Bulbeck at Skin Creations Tattoos and Piercing in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.)

See more in Hand Tattoos (Tattoos)

See more in Cartoon Tattoos (Tattoos)

The Cabinet of Curiosities

Those noble creatures, friends, are narwhals, proudly displayed on twylasue‘s chest and tattooed by Tom Keeney at Classic Electric Tattoo in Frederick, MD. (More from twylasue on ModBlog here.)

And, because I’m charitable, I’ve included a highly informative video about the narwhal below:

wow. Put your brains back together, ModBlog, and we’ll see you in the morning.

See more in Old School (and Old) Tattoos (Tattoos)

Walk Beside Me and Be My Friend

Well-lit photo? Check. Interesting, healthy looking, well-placed piercings? Check. Hmm … so, what is the small faction of perpetual ModBlog nay-sayers going to complain about? I’m betting it’ll be critiques of the wallpaper or assertions that Syl20‘s bald head is clearly indicative of a deep-seated prejudice against the hirsute or something equally ridiculous and inane. Don’t let me down!

See more in 3D-Art Implants (Implants) (members only)