
Phwoar blimey, he’s a busy man isn’t he! He’s got four working offices!!

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DivX download link for BME members: Extreme2 or Full members

Nature gives you the face you have at twenty, but it’s up to you to merit the face you have at fifty 10mm/7mm nose tusks, 25mm septum and 53mm/25mm lips.

– Gabrielle Bonheur “Coco” Chanel (sort of).

Want more Jenya on ModBlog? Click here – Whilst you’re at it you can see more in Scalpelled and other large gauge lip procedures (Lip Piercing)

Sweet Zombie Suicide

And here we have a portrait of Suicide Girl Zepp Suicide, on her boyfriend, and done by Johnny Stiletto at Baltimore Street Tattoo in Hanover, Pennsylvania. I have to say, it’s not uncommon to hear (former?) models complain about the conditions when working for Suicide Girls, but the fact that they’ll extend contract offers to the grisly undead? Hey, that’s pretty progressive.

See more in Sci-Fi Tattoos (Tattoos)

Hey Fellas, Got a Genital Piercing? Have Some Money [UPDATED]

UPDATE: Sorry everyone, the university has been overwhelmed with responses and needs a little while to sort them out! If they’re taking more applications, we’ll let you know.

No, really, it seems that easy:

The Department of Applied Health Science at Indiana University is conducting a research study designed to collect information on men’s sexual health and genital piercings. We are looking for men who have had their genitals pierced to participate in a phone interview that will be audio-recorded. The time commitment will be approximately 45 minutes and you will receive a $25 VISA gift card for completing the interview. In order to receive the gift card a name and mailing address is required.

To be eligible for this study, you must be at least 18 years of age, speak and understand English, and have had your genitals pierced.

If you are interested in participating please e-mail us with the following information at: xxxxxxxxx

– Your first name, or name you prefer.

– A phone number where you can be reached.

– Several times over the next 5 days when you are available to talk on the phone privately.

A member of the research team will call you to discuss the study.

For questions please contact xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

(Image at the top courtesy of the wonderful Kokomi.)

Devadander Abercrombie

Well well well, and here we have a stunning shot sent in by Aloewishes, with 45-degree nipple piercings by Kevin Jump at Beelistic Tattoo in Cincinnati, Ohio. Check out Aloewishes’s neat Perishable Jewelry on Etsy, and check out a bonus picture after the jump, because why the hell not?

See more in “Standard” Female Nipple Piercings (Nipple Piercing)

Swinging in the Chariot

Oh hey, it’s whathisname, that terribly unpopular fella from the television, Emperor Hope Hussein? Something like that? Anyway, Tony Styles from Long Island, New York, sent in this happy rendering of the man, with Martin Luther King Jr. behind him, keeping a watchful eye. Also, nice to see this is the American version of the president, what with the flag pin and all. Crisis averted.

See more in Tony Styles Portfolio (Tattoo Artist Portfolios)