A Supposedly Fun Thing

This is Laura’s sweet tribute tattoo for her parents, done by Wendi Ramirez at Shaman Modifications in Austin, Texas. I have to say, dad looks like a fun guy. Panama hat? Mustache? Aloha shirt? Nicely done. I’m a sucker for cruise-wear, what can I say?

See more in Portrait Tattoos (Tattoos)

Always Bet on Black

This poor woman literally lost her shirt last night betting on the damned Arizona Cardinals. WHYYY? HOW DO YOU GIVE UP A 100-YARD TURNOVER? Sorry. I’m projecting. Congratulations, Pittsburgh.

Update! The lovely girl above is Chloé Ruggiero, and the photographer of this beautiful shot is Chris Blanchenot.

(Piercings by Passage Tattoo in Toronto, Ontario.)

See more in Standard Earlobe Piercing (Ear Piercing)

Deep Chest Piercing Update

We last posted about these deep chest piercings by Roland at Visavajara in Freiburg, Germany, about a month ago when they were fresh, and here we have an update after four weeks of healing or so. The piercings definitely look a little angry around the edges, but this is not an easy procedure to heal. Nice to see he’s stuck with it, though, and I’m sure we’re all curious to see if they can heal to the point that they can be worn “permanently.” Another shot, after the jump.

See more in Deep Chest Piercing (Surface & Unusual Piercing)

Body Modification Practitioner Arrested in North Bay, Ontario

As some of you may be aware, Andrew Niland — better known to many of you on IAM as xbolloxx — was arrested earlier this week in North Bay, Ontario, along with his girlfriend, Adrianne Carbone. Here’s the pertinent information from the North Bay Nugget, a local newspaper:

Andrew Niland, 29, was granted bail Thursday. However, he remains in jail until he posts a $10,000 no-cash bond and finds two people approved by court to be his sureties to ensure he follows his release conditions.

Niland and his girlfriend Adrianne Carbone, 21, were arrested last week and jointly charged with aggravated assault for performing a labia reduction on a woman Jan. 18 at his residence.

Niland is also charged with two other counts of aggravated assault for placing an implant in that same woman’s chest — used to create a shape under the skin — in September 2007 and performing another labia-reduction procedure last April.

Court heard there are exceptions to charges involving bodily harm when it comes to piercing which could drive the issue into Canada’s highest court for a decision on consensual body modifications.

Justice of the Peace James Bubba heard that the women involved had asked to have the procedures done to them.

If he’s released, Niland is not allowed to perform certain procedures — such as branding or scarring — although he will be allowed to continue piercing if the procedure is done to accommodate a piece of jewelry.

He’s also banned from having any weapons.

Niland is facing additional charges of possessing a prohibited weapon and careless storage of that weapon after police found a .22-calibre handgun at his residence.

The weapons charge is another matter altogether, and BME takes no stance on that aspect of the case. However, the fact remains that Andrew was arrested for allegedly performing procedures on consenting adults, and the allegations of “aggravated assault” are ludicrous. He was charged as such because, under Ontario law, a person cannot legally consent to the procedures Andrew performed (unless, of course, they were being performed by a doctor). But this has always been a debate central to body modification, and now that its profile is only getting higher, these are issues that are going to have be addressed with the public at large: How much control do we truly have over our own bodies? If a grown woman, of the age of majority, of sound mind, and of her own volition, wishes to have a private practitioner perform a labia reduction on her, or to implant a silicone star, or any other number of things we see frequently in this community, should the state be allowed intercede? And if so, where is the line drawn?

If the story told is accurate, then Andrew did not coerce these people into having these procedures done: They sought him out. He is only in custody right now because the law dictates that adults are not allowed to make certain choices about their bodies. This case has the potential to have massive repercussions on the body modification industry and on our extended community, and we hope that you’ll all follow it closely. BME, of course, will keep you all up to date as much as possible. We’re currently looking into ways for people to support Andrew and Adrianne, perhaps by way of a PayPal account to help with legal fees. We’ll keep you all posted.

EDIT: Andy’s paypal is linked to [email protected] Please send paypal payments to that address in order to help him. I’m not linking a direct “donate” button for reasons mentioned in the comments below.

This Week in BME

Says tattoo artist Anji, “We’re going to be doing a ‘speaking bubble’ on the other wrist at some point.” Cute! In the meantime, what could Lora be thinking about? Hmm …

(Tattoo done by Anji Marth at High Priestess in Eugene, Oregon.)

And so the week has come to a close. What sorts of hilarious hi-jinx did we get up to this time?

  • BME was at the APTPI conference in Milan! Here is an account of those few days by Adam from BodyMod.org.
  • Everyone pretty much seemed to love these black boxes on a handsome young gent.
  • Marc from Swastika Freakshop’s deal with the devil continues to pay dividends, because this Ktulu piece is looking unreal.
  • One-hook resurrection suspension! Sweet sassy molassy.
  • Naked people? Check. Vegetables? Check. Penetration? Surprisingly little.
  • And here’s a fancy new BME News application for Facebook! Get it!
  • This baby killed a Smurf. But you can take her word for it, the Smurf had it comin’. When that Smurf’s kid grows up, if it still feels raw about it, she’ll be waiting.
  • Big weekend ahead for sports fans: The Georges St.-Pierre–B.J. Penn rematch at UFC 94 on Saturday night should be one for the ages, and then Sunday night, of course, is the Super Bowl. (Go Buzzsaw!) Whatever you do, stay safe. We’ll be checking in throughout the weekend as per usual, and then come Monday, do it all over again. Have a great weekend, everyone, and, as always, thank you for your continued support of BME.

    The Horror

    This poor woman was among the innocent bystanders in the vicious Smurf attack on which we reported earlier. How does a person recover after being sprayed with the plasma of lovable cartoon character? Can you see how clearly distraught she is? Truly devastating. Luckily, she appears to be in the shower, which should certainly make us feel better. Err, which should make her feel better. Right. That’s it.

    (Piercings by Adam Stokes and Nick at The Piercing Shop in Las Vegas, Nevada.)

    See more in Bridge piercings (Eyebrow Piercing)