Full Coverage: Links From All Over (Dec. 5, 2008)

Photo source: http://www.capohedz.com/typebrighter/

[Adam Riff] Jon over at Adam Riff, operating, as always, at full slaying power, has been following this “hot dog tattoo” trend for a little over a week now, with sexy delicious results:

A link to a tattoo of a hot dog in a leather jacket led to a tattoo of a hot dog squirting condiments on her breasts and free records for anyone who gets a tattoo of a hot dog and a comment from someone who claims to have seen a tattoo of the Black Flag logo with hot dogs in place of the bars.

So, um … anyone got some awesome hot dog tattoos to share? Or had one in mind for ages? Now’s the time, friends.

[ABC Local] Quick one here: Do you live in the Toledo, Ohio, area and have an old musical instrument kicking around? Well, bring it on by to Juki’s Tattoo and Body Piercing, who will be donating these instruments to the Imagine Madison Avenue School of Arts, and you’ll get yourself a free tattoo out of the deal. If you bring in a new, unwrapped toy, those will be donated to children in local homeless shelters, and you’ll receive half-off a new tattoo. Get to it, Toledo.

[Daily Camera] So, here’s something: Aimee Heckel over at the Daily Camera has long suffered from debilitating anxiety and panic attacks, but, a few months ago, got a cleavage surface piercing, and the anxiety ceased. She theorizes:

Several weeks later, I was at my acupuncturist. I told him about my piecing. I asked him if the rod through my chest could affect the flow of my energy, or “chi” in Eastern medicine. If sticking tiny acupuncture needles into your body can transform you, what about a more permanent puncture?

He looked at where I was pierced and smiled.

“You pieced two exact acupuncture points,” he said. “The anxiety points.”

Acupuncturists place needles there to reduce panic attacks, insomnia and anxiety. The increased blood flow and changed direction of the energy there often eliminates panic attacks, he said. I had never talked to him about my struggles with anxiety.

Which is when I realized I have not had an attack since I got the piercing.

Still haven’t.

It’s interesting, to say the very least — especially considering Heckel didn’t get the piercing with the intention of addressing her anxiety, and that that as just an after-effect that it took her a while to notice. Her article then goes on to discuss something called Ear Stapling, which is basically just a tragus piercing, I guess? But the woman who does it claims it does all sorts of magical things:

Ear stapling has been around for over 20 years and is fast becoming one of the most sought after innovative alternative methods to stop smoking, and to lose weight. A small surgical stainless steel device is strategically placed in the inner cartilage of the ear to target certain reflex points in the ear. The staples work by applying pressure to the ear reflex points, which send signals to the brain, causing endorphins to release, and communicate with your body.

[BBC] I’ve been forgetting to post this, but the BBC recently put together a documentary slideshow about tattoo culture within South African prisons, with some really stunning photography of many former inmates. This is absolutely worth your time.

[Removable Parts] Are you in Toronto? Do you like musicals? Having a lingering fascination with voluntary amputation? Well hot holy damn, Serendipity wants to give you a thundering high-five, because Removable Parts, a musical about voluntary amputation (seriously) is rolling into The Music Gallery in Toronto tomorrow night, with tickets on sale for $15. (More ticket info can be found on their Facebook page HERE.)

But what does a song about voluntary amputation sound like, you ask? Well, take a peek over at the Songs page and you can listen to .mp3s of “Fingers,” “Hands” and “Castration.” Some sample lyrics:

I understand your frustration
But for me castration
Well, it’s an evolutionary decision
I want to be more than just a breeder
I want to be a leader
And sometimes you just have to know when to quit

Why would I pass along these defective genes
They’ve caused me nothing but trouble
There comes a point when survival by any means
Is just not worth the struggle

You’ve always said that my erection
Could use a vivisection
But no one will castrate the rank and file
So I’ll have to become a pedophile
For the treatment I deserve

Sometimes, I feel like the human race will do just fine.

They All Look Alike

“What’s it like to be me? Well, there are some perks. I live in Antarctica, so it’s usually pretty quiet — lets me get a lot of reading done, you know? Lots of open spaces, so, you know, plenty of room to move around, never really fall behind on my work-outs, and really, I can definitely use some time in the gym. Ha, just kidding, that’s just my self-deprecating humor, which I actually think is one of my better qualities. Oh, also, I can shoot fucking laser beams out of my eyes and I am nature’s most perfect killing machine.”

(This awesomeness is featured on JulesPlanetThree, and is by Marcus Dove at Smiling Buddha in Savannah, Georgia, who came up with this design to “cheer up” Jules, and she liked it so much it became the basis of a sleeve.)

Stay Calm – This is only a drill scalpel..


if you’re lucky

Seth Wallace hunkered down for this scarification piece by Niki Patterson ( HAPPY BIRTHDAY! more)

[Javascript required to view Flash movie, please turn it on and refresh this page]

DivX download link for BME members: Extreme2 or Full members

See more in Skin Removal Scarification (Scarification)

Wear a Brown Tie

It’s really not that hard to get on ModBlog, you know. All it takes is the right combination of interesting photography, well placed piercings, skin-tight latex and a good measure of amateur dentistry. Clearly, pinkdekay up there has been paying attention to our standards of excellence.

(Bridge piercing by handsome Brian Decker at Pure Body Arts in Brooklyn, and photography by Anilom Nor.)

See more in Bridge piercings (Eyebrow Piercing)

Sing Out

So, even though tattoos are super boring and awful and nobody should ever write about them, or even think about them, really, because they’re a waste of time, I don’t ever really get tired of stories like this. Take it away, Bill:

My name is Bill and I got my tattoo done at Excalibur Tattoo & Design in Shelton, CT, by a guy named Ducky. I have always loved old school tattooing and the water, so I figured this would be a nice start for further tattoos (I’m working on filling my back). My dad (Tom) and I went to get them together and it was also his first tattoo — his at the age of 53, mine at age 20. Talk about father son bonding …

Close-up shots of said tattoos after the jump.

Bait With Your Heart

Hey, how about that? Long-time friend of BME and full-time Mexican Mutant, Phineas Gage Louie, just stretched himself up a two-gauge septril piercing! “Biggest ever?” he asks. What do you all think — anyone ever seen a bigger septril than this? Not that it’s a contest or anything … but, y’know, if it were, Louie, like, totally wins.

A bonus shot of El Mutante with a clearer look at his hu-yuuuuge horns and other various facial accoutrements, after the jump.

See more in Nose-Related piercings (Nose Piercing)

Splish Splash Splosh Sushpension.

The following clip might be short, but what’s important is that it’s short and wet! That’s much more fun than it being long and dry..

You hot mommas and sexy poppas know what I’m talking about, right?

[Javascript required to view Flash movie, please turn it on and refresh this page]

DivX download link for BME members: Extreme2 or Full members

My requests for details about this footage must have fallen on wet ears (I’ll try sonar next time) but maybe someone watching this will recognise the group and let me know so I can give them the creditz they deserve, failing that hopefully it will stir up the water that’s inevitably on the brain of the suspendee.

$end = badwaterpuns($array);
