The City of Sin

When it comes to kick-ass sleeves, you don’t have to look very far if you’re in Linz, Austria.  That’s where Martin from Studio 74 crafted this amazing tribute to the film adaptation of Frank Miller’s Sin City.  Now you’ll find it in the cartoon gallery, but that’s just because there’s no movie or comic gallery.  By the looks of it, the inner forearm has a picture of Jackie Boy, but I have no idea what’s inside the upper arm.

Send… more… paramedics

Often I get to see an image that just delights me.  Most people that know me know that I’m a big horror fan, zombies in particular.  When I’m scanning the tattoo galleries for new images I always notice the horror related ones first, but today, when looking at the suspension galleries I was pleasantly surprised.


I had to shrink the image down to fit it on ModBlog, but the full sized version can be seen here.  For those with keen eyes you can make out a couple of notable horror icons.  I believe that’s Michael Myers on the left, Bela Lugosi’s Dracula on the right, and of course the woman in the middle is Lianna Quigley from Return of the Living dead.  I think the reason I like this image so much is that you have all these horror movie related images blended together while blood is dripping down onto it.

While you may not be familiar with Return of the Living dead, it is the movie that you can thank for creating the famous zombie quote “Brainnnssssss”.

Now, if you were in this position, what image would you like to see your blood dripping down on to?  Which I realize is a somewhat morbid phrasing to a question, but hey, we are talking about the walking dead are we not?

Oh, one more thing, while not scarring people up like in the previous post, Gabor also spends some of his time rigging people up.  There are a few other happy Hungarians hanging from hooks over in the suicide suspension galleries.

Son of a bitch, I’m sick of these dolphins.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go on an overnight drunk, and in 10 days I’m going to set out to find the shark that ate my friend and destroy it. Anyone who wants to tag along is more than welcome.

– Steve Zissou – The Life Aquatic


Oh Bill Murray.  Is there anything you do that isn’t brilliant?  (For the record I choose to believe the Garfield movie doesn’t exist).

Seriously.  I grew up with Bill on the big screen on a regular basis.  I was a bit too young to catch his SNL stint, but by the time Ghostbusters came out, I was 6 and ready to see it.  I can remember being terrified by the scene in the NY public library, laughing at slimer and Rick Moranis, and thinking Dick getting melted marshmallow dumped on him was the greatest thing ever.  Of course it wasn’t until I was older that I was able to go back and watch Ghostbusters and truly appreciate the brilliance that went into making the film.  Seriously, go back and just watch Bill.  Every line is delivered perfectly.  I highly doubt any actor could have pulled that role off as perfectly as he did.

Of course, as time went on, Bill’s star began to fade.  By the 90s most of his films are forgettable, with maybe the exception of Groundhog Day and Rushmore.  Speaking of Rushmore, I’d say that was when he rose like a phoenix out of the ashes of his career.  Somehow Wes Anderson was able to reach back in time and yank the Bill Murray from 1984 and place him in the body of Bill Murray 1998.  Since then, he’s had a string of brilliant films where he’s been able to showcase his ability to act, as well as his comedic skills.  If you have any doubt about it, go watch Zombieland.

Now as strong as my appreciation for Bill is, IAM: fist_intheair definitely has me beat.  Nikko Hurtado from Hesperia, CA. did this piece on him recently, and I was floored when I saw it.

Regardless of your current feelings towards Bill, you must have some fond memory of at least one of his performances.  Was it his turn as Ernie McCracken in Kingpin?  Or maybe you’re a bit older and prefer him in Meatballs (fun fact:  I went to the camp across the lake from Camp White Pine outside Haliburton, ON, where Meatballs was filmed).  Obviously fist_intheair prefers Steve Zissou, so what was/is your favorite Bill role?

Could this really be the “World’s First Human Centipede Tattoo?”

This tattoo claims to be the “The World’s First Human Centipede Tattoo”, and I am tempted to believe it. Has anyone else gotten a tattoo inspired by the, not really a hit, movie “The Human Centipede“? If so let me know, we can check up on dates, cross check references and determine once and for all if this tattoo by  Jimmy Knuckles at Shaman Modifications in Austin is rightfully declared the world’s first “Human Centipede” tattoo!


I’ll Have a Coke

Please excuse the late start, folks! I wish I could say I was out celebrating Canada Day, but alas, I’ve just been dealing with technical difficulties here at headquarters. (Read: There was a spider on my modem and I was too afraid to go turn it on.) At any rate, let’s ratchet up the tension and have a breakneck-speed afternoon, shall we? Let’s get going with this Thoroughly bad-ass Boondock Saints-themed sleeve by Ryan Schepp out of Wingnut Tattoo in Saint Cloud, Minnesota. I have to say, though, you know what my favorite thing about this tattoo is? It doesn’t have a poorly thought out sequel in production.

See more in Miscellaneous Tattoos (Tattoos)

This Week in BME

New rule: When you get an A Christmas Story tattoo, slightly re-imagined as an old-school piece (with a flash-y banner, at least), you get to be on ModBlog. Doesn’t matter what season it is, not even a little. And if you disagree? Take it up with Ralphie there, who has been instructed to fire at will.

(Tattoo by Jason Gone, who’s on the road and currently in Cincinnati, Ohio.)

And that, my lovely friends, is how this week ends. How did we spend our time together?

I’ll have whatever she’s having.

Hey, a pretty pierced corset done up as formal-wear! Good stuff.

We made fun of a stupid fake trend.

All cephalopods, all the time, forever, amen.

Surprise! It’s not a dick.

And here is a corset that would probably be frowned on as formal-wear.

High-fives all around.

As per usual, we’ll be around here and there over the weekend, but Monday morning is when we really gas up the jet and get this thing going again. Until then, have fun out there, stay safe and, of course, thank you for your continued support of BME.

Laugh it Up, Fuzzball

So, you want a tattoo celebrating one of your favorite movies, but one that alludes to other artists as well? What to do?

I really wanted a Star Wars tribute tattoo, and my artist really wanted to do one. I didn’t want anything overused or anything, like the insignia or a lightsaber, and I didn’t want a huge scene with ships and everything, so we decided to kind of create something. I liked the shape of the AT-AT walkers, but they were kind of beefy. I was thinking I wanted something more slender, like a Dali elephant, and here it is! I’m so happy with how it turned out, and I’m really glad to have something completely original on my body.

(Star Wars/Salvador Dali mash-up tattoo by Paul at Old School Tattoo in Bellingham, Washington.)

See more in Sci-Fi Tattoos (Tattoos)

This Week in BME

On this Friday the 13th, let us reflect on what we’ve learned from horror movies: You cannot kill Jason—you can only make him angrier. You can send him to New York, you can send him to Hell or you can send him to outer goddamn space…doesn’t matter. You’re just pissing him off. Perhaps it’s time to resign yourself to the fate that awaits you: no matter what you try to do, you are going to be killed by a psychotic hell-demon in a hockey mask, and tough shit.

(Tattoo by Billy Toller at Cherry Bomb Tattoos from New Port Richey, Florida, and the 2009 Philadelphia Tattoo Arts Convention.)

Well, quite a whirlwind of a week this time around, no? Let’s refresh our memories:

We spoke with Mike Beer, he of the numerous wholly tasteless tattoos. Reactions, as usual, were mixed at best. Evidently, not everyone is ready for “rape time.”

Atlanta kisses some ass (in the form of a tribute tattoo) to get an apprenticeship with Sean Philips. Mercifully, it worked.

There is a damn eyeball in that guy’s armpit!

We all told some great stories about getting our septums pierced.

The Flying Pink Sausage entered our lives.

We learned a simple lesson: Money talks and bullshit walks.

Alice got naked in the snow, just because.

Nacho’s first suspension was a complete success.

And that’s it for us today, folks. We’ll be around over the weekend though, as per usual. Sorry about no podcast this week—there were some scheduling conflicts with one great guest we had lined up, but we should be getting in touch with him in the next couple of days, so don’t you worry. At any rate, stay safe, have a good weekend, and as always, thank you for your continued support of BME.

I’ve Got Nothing

If the heartwarming ending of Shaun of the Dead taught us anything (and I know I take the majority of my cues in life from British comedies), it’s that being a zombie isn’t necessarily the worst fate one can expect. Sure, you’re a mindless hell-beast whose soul quest is to feast on the flesh of the living, but at least you get to hang out with your friends and play video games, right? Right? Anybody? Sigh.

(“Ed” from Shaun of the Dead by Kyle A. Scarborough at Precision Body Art in Tulsa, Oklahoma.)