When in Doubt, Listen to Samppa

Sayeth the gentleman pictured above:

At first I wanted to have five implants, but then I received an e-mail from Samppa saying that six would be much cooler, so he gave me the sixth transdermal for free! Thanks again, Samppa!

(Transdermal implants by Samppa at Max Max Tattoo and Piercing, lobes by Rob at Rings of Pleasure.)

See more in Transdermal Implants (Implants) (members only)

This is the Girl

Meltbanana sends in this photo of her new “Zombie Elvis” tattoo. It’s a very well done piece, so I mean absolutely no disrespect whatsoever, but I had no idea Zombie Elvis looks so much like alive David Lynch. That’s good, though, because I wasn’t planning on sleeping for the next 50 years anyway.

(Tattoo by Marco Lari at Quetzal Tattoo in Milan, Italy.)

See more in Sci-Fi Tattoos (Tattoos)

From Here You’ll Watch the World Go By

Tim Gunn checks in:

“So, Caralena, what have you got for us? Oh MY! I think that leopard-print headband is really daring, let me just say. And surrounding those lovely blue eyes with dark colors is doing it for me. It is. Oh, and juxtaposing the blues of your eyes with the bright pink beads on your surface piercing? You have made it work, my friend.”

Thanks, Tim!

(Legendary Pink Dots anti-eyebrow/surface piercing by the folks at Skullfly Tattoo and Piercing in Eugene, Oregon.)

See more in Facial Surface Piercing (Surface & Unusual Piercing)

The Devil in my Microscope

So this is what happens when you leave a giraffe in a jar of water for too long. God, some of you people are just sick. Can’t you just get tattoos of rainbows or sheets of paper or inoffensive circles or something? Jesus.

(Kidding! Keep it weird, friends. Dodgetheseball is the one sporting this Lynchian hell-creature.)



It’s you.

I knew you would find me. I just didn’t know when. Or where.

We’ve known each other for so long. This battle has raged for centuries. Do we remember why we fight? Does it matter anymore? When all you know is perpetual war, is it worthwhile to stop? Is it possible?

So be it. It is our destiny.

[draws sword]

[eats bagel]

[puts on “Ride of the Valkyries” on iPod]

Let’s do this.

(Tattoos on Steven by Garth at Unique Tattoos in Subiaco, Western Australia, Australia.)

See more in Star Tattoos (Tattoos)

VIMBY Video: Paul Booth

Friend of BME, Ary from VIMBY Video, just sent us this new piece profiling a man who needs no introduction, Paul Booth, at his Last Rites studio in New York City. Paul discusses trades he’s made for tattoo work (example: a torture chair), tattooing rock stars, shows off “Skeleton Christ,” and more.

This Week in BME

You know what? It’s been a long week. I just want to go home, turn on the radio, and do some work around the house. First thing, I’ve gotta fix this broken light.

So many loose screws! Glad I’ve got my lucky screwdriver, I tell you.

And now, just have to water some plants, and then it’s time for bed. I’ve earned this.

(Photos of the incomparable Kokomi. Much, much more in his BME Hard gallery.)

Whew! Wild week, there, folks. Some memorable moments:

  • Weezy and his grill make an appearance.
  • The very, very controversial eyebrow removal seems to be healing well!
  • Swastika Freakshop is awesome, as always, forever, etc.
  • They’re real, and they’re spectacular.
  • Your managing editor prevented a repeat of a prior calligraphic civil war that made everybody want to kill each other, and themselves.
  • Roo, as usual, is all about nipple ‘splosions.
  • Hero pilot Chesley B. “Sully” Sullenberger III receives the first-ever BME Big Balls award!
  • A fanciful and in-depth profile of Club Tattoo visionary Sean Dowdell was published.
  • We’ll be around over the weekend. Don’t be afraid to visit. Enjoy yourselves, ModBlog, stay safe, and thank you for your continued support of BME.

    The Whooshing Sound

    I know a girl who is really heavily freckled, and one night, she revealed that, due to this terrible affliction, her dad affectionately(?) calls her “flyshits.” Because, you know, her freckles look like … fly shit. Apparently. This isn’t her wearing this tattoo, but I like to think she’d be traumatized by it nonetheless.

    (Tattoo by Kris Roberts at Shipwreck Tattoos in Corpus Christi, Texas.)

    See more in Old School (and Old) Tattoos (Tattoos)